24 January 2012

Renaissance Style

This week's blog post is a rendering of a typical renaissance page layout.  The page was rendered by hand using a fine point black marker.  The function of this piece is to explore some of the graphic styles in our history and test different rendering techniques.  Traditionally this particular type of layout would have been used in books during the renaissance period to create unique and interesting pages.  The original illustrations would have been much more detailed and would usually have incorporated colour.  It is amazing to imagine how much time artists must have spent creating a single page.  Typical elements of a renaissance page include embellished letters, intricate borders, and detailed illustrations.  My design follows the style of this period by incorporating an intricate border into a spread along with an embellished first letter.  No specific artist  influenced my rendering, I gathered most of my information from google and text books.  I believe the audience for this piece would be any young adult to senior who is interested in learning about design history or even those who just appreciate a nice visual piece of work. I found this assignment quite enjoyable, but VERY time consuming, overall a pretty good experience!


  1. Well Done Helen, great execution.
    Your audience for this piece in Renaissance time would have been...?
    Great job,

    1. Ohhhh in Renaissance time the audience for my piece would have been wealthier families/individuals who had enough money to obtain illuminated manuscripts.
